It's been a long time since I've blogged bout what has been going on. Life really has been routine, Work, School, playing single mom, I've just been going about my business until we reached this point. D's projected Graduation Date from Corps School is April 5, he's received his orders for Portsmouth, VA, the Medical Center and the USS Comfort. It's slightly scary cause he kept telling me we didn't want to go there for various reasons and guess where he got assigned. I can see from the research I've done so far, it's not very promising.
There seems to be a lot of crime there, projects, drugs and unsafe neighborhoods. I keep hitting roadblocks online for information. I dont' know where to live, if we try for housing, which is privatized and mostly off base, or what to do. I've heard that base housing is not the way to go too. I've also learned what I suspected would happen, that I will have to travel with my daughter by myself to the base. Meaning I'm going to have to drive 2600 miles alone, and handle the movers etc all by myself. This is pretty discouraging when it's your first move and he is so far away and I have no idea what to do. Our car, the only one we have is not in bad shape, but it's older and while I have faith it will be okay, it's small and well, i try to baby it. We can't afford to buy another one.
So yeah, I'm freaking out. I don't have a move date yet, but he's grab and go when he grads. I don't know how long they give us to get there, I don't know if I'm going to be leaving in 8 weeks or what. My head is spinning. I am positive it will all just work out and fall into place. My biggest concern is living in a decent neighborhood with my child. Everything else will just work out. In the mean while I will be a big stress ball, trying not to freak out and manage everything. All I can do at this point is keep living our daily lives. I've cleaned out lots of goodwill bags, and such from the apt already. And I need to do some shredding and organize some paperwork.
And I just need to BREATHE....A LOT!
tips cepat hamil setelah keguguran
5 years ago